So the end of TV season cancellation/renewal news cycle is over, and I would summarize my feelings on it as thus:
Kings - CANCELLED - It was too good to last... I shall miss you, close ups of Ian McShane's incredibly expressive face!
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles - CANCELLED - Boo! It was actually starting to get good! We'll never find out if John Connor will find closure on his hot unrequited robot love. And I will miss Sarah's brooding.
Pushing Daisies - CANCELLED - I only watched two episodes of this cloyingly "adorable", disgustingly precious show, not to mention the badly written voiceover narrative, and I'm so sick of hearing people gush about it, good riddance!
Dollhouse - RENEWED - I'm happy. This show is no Firefly, and Eliza Dushku is just not rangey enough of an actress to pull off the role, but it has enough interesting elements to keep me watching. Especially shirtless Tahmoh Penikett- more please!
Chuck - RENEWED - Yay! My favorite fun show! This show has the most likeable & talented cast, and it's always been a delightful mix of pop culture hipness with a throwback to the classics vibe. (Totally random but delightful detail about the shot: Adam Baldwin's hardass NSA agent character keeps a framed picture of Ronald Reagan in his apartment.)
Friday Night Lights - RENEWED - Oh thank fucking christ! The end of season saw Coach get an outsized comeuppance for the one time he lied to his wife. I can't wait to see hot it all rolls out!